Safety Inspections 

Aluminum Wire Repair, Inc. performs residential aluminum wire electrical safety inspections. We are often called in after homeowners or home inspectors disclose aluminum wiring or by homeowners looking for a report on the condition of their home wiring.

picture of burnt purple inside switchbox

picture of burnt purple inside switchbox



Home sellers can proactively provide a detailed report on the condition of their aluminum wiring increasing the potential buyers pool, minimizing costly delays and correcting potential home inspection defects


Home buyers will gain an understanding of the condition of the aluminum wiring in their prospective new home along with the cost to alleviate the fire hazard both temporarily and permanently.

Realtors and home inspectors

Realtors and home inspectors can shift the liability regarding the disclosure and condition of aluminum wiring to the aluminum wiring experts.

How does it work?

We will arrange to inspect your home by surveying a sample of the devices in your home. These are usually the devices that will be the most heavily used in the home based on our experience or if possible through conversations with the homeowners themselves. We will provide a detailed report of our findings describing the condition of the connections, any signs of imminent hazards, any signs of previous overheating along with general electrical notes, panel conditions and code violations.

Our report will also include a detailed bid to permanently and completely repair the aluminum wiring hazard or to perform various levels of interim repairs.

We can generally make room in our schedule within a day or two’s notice to accomplish the aluminum wire inspection, which takes between 1-2 hours. We will email or fax the report to you the next day.


Call us today for your aluminum wiring electrical safety inspection.

Your Safety is Our Business

CO Electrical License #6092

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